Jeremiah Morrell

July 23, 2021

215: Olympics, Bezos in Space, Sean Row Returns

Jeremiah Morrell and Jesse Riddle are your hosts for episode 214. Sean Row is your featured guest, Zach Burcham is back in the state and at his post as producer. Fun rapid fire episode; Indiana got sued and has to pay unemplo...
July 16, 2021

214: Right to Repair; USA leaving Afghanistan; McDonalds Ice Cream Machines

Jeremiah Morrell, Dakota Davis, and Jesse Riddle are your hosts for episode 214. Two big topics tonight. The USA is leaving Afghanistan, and former President Bush is questioning the decision to get out, because of the vacuum ...
July 4, 2021

Mid Ohio Bonus Episode

Quick update from Mid Ohio Sports Car Course; Jeremiah Morrell, Zach Burcham, Chris Gault and Joey Mulinaro of Barstool sports are taking in the weekend. Zach got a 2 seater ride, Gault rode in a pace car, Joey is covering th...