Aug. 2, 2018

71: Craig Armstrong & Mark Wenning - Everything Agriculture, Tariffs, CAFO's, and Wind Farms

71: Craig Armstrong & Mark Wenning - Everything Agriculture, Tariffs, CAFO's, and Wind Farms

In this episode of Boss Hog of Liberty, Dakota and Jeremiah are joined by Craig Armstrong of Armstrong Farms, and Mark Wenning. Both are farmers in Henry County, Indiana and have a lot of information to share about the current issues facing the people that feed our nation. We talk about the history both have had in the farming industy and the future that they see coming. Craig shared some interesting facts about all of the products that soybeans are a part of.

Dakota delves deep into the history of tariffs and their role/previous roles in the United States economy. There is a lot of information to be learned and history helps to develop a more well rounded view for 21st century politics. Craig and Mark answer questions about what they believe the effects these tarrifs will have on their family farms.

Lastly, the crew discusses how farmers can diversify their operations in uncertain times like these. Options are out there, but they are not without controversy. Craig has been outspoken in his support of Industrial Wind Turbines and answers why he believes they will be good for America and Henry County.

In this episode of Boss Hog of Liberty, Dakota and Jeremiah are joined by Craig Armstrong of Armstrong Farms, and Mark Wenning. Both are farmers in Henry County, Indiana and have a lot of information to share about the current issues facing the people that feed our nation. We talk about the history both have had in the farming industy and the future that they see coming. Craig shared some interesting facts about all of the products that soybeans are a part of.

Dakota delves deep into the history of tariffs and their role/previous roles in the United States economy. There is a lot of information to be learned and history helps to develop a more well rounded view for 21st century politics. Craig and Mark answer questions about what they believe the effects these tarrifs will have on their family farms.

Lastly, the crew discusses how farmers can diversify their operations in uncertain times like these. Options are out there, but they are not without controversy. Craig has been outspoken in his support of Industrial Wind Turbines and answers why he believes they will be good for America and Henry County.


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